Four Things You Should Do With Spend Analytics Data : Spend Analytics Solutions
Simfoni, a leading provider of Spend Analytics Solutions & Tail Spend Management & Analytics. Once you take the time to compile a full spend analytics report, there are many things you can do with the data you collected. Here are a...
The Challenges of Tail Spend Management – Why Corporate America Isn’t Managing Its Tail…and How We Can Start
Tail Spend Management - As market share gains become harder to realize and competition drives prices down, companies are looking to cost reduction initiatives as the easiest path to increased profits.
Escaping the “pay less” cycle – Three alternate spend strategies to drive savings
The article discusses three additional spend “levers” that appear straight-forward on the surface but seldom get the attention they deserve, let alone reach the point where they become ingrained in corporate spending culture.
Understanding Tail Spend – What it is, Why you care and What’s to be done
If you’ve been reading the procurement trade publications over the past year, you will have noticed a lot of discussion about the importance of understanding and managing tail spend in large or geographically dispersed organizations. The fact that tail spend...